Tongkat Ali Supplements: Benefits, Side Effects, and Dosage

Tongkat Ali Supplements: Benefits, Side Effects, and Dosage

What is Tongkat Ali?

Tongkat Ali is a herbal supplement derived from the roots of a tall slender tree native to Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. It is scientifically known as Eurycoma longifolia and has gained popularity over the recent years for its health benefits, particularly in the realm of sexual performance and athletic prowess.

The botanical extract from Tongkat Ali is renowned for its reputed aphrodisiac and energy boosting properties. This benefit makes it a popular natural supplement among athletes, bodybuilders and in those seeking to enhance their physical performance and libido.

Tongkat Ali, also known as Malaysian ginseng or Longjack, exert its effect by increasing testosterone levels and improving the hormone balance that contributes to enhanced endurance and sexual function. It helps the body with adapting to stress and promote resilience.

Overall, Tongkat Ali continues to gain interest for its potential health benefits and traditional use. It is important to understand the article below in which we discuss benefits and possible side effects of Tongkat Ali to make careful consideration before its consumption.

What are the benefits of Tongkat Ali Supplements?

Nature is bountiful with its hidden treasures of supplements for any kind of health conditions. Following are some of the health benefits of Tongkat Ali supplements:

  1. Enhanced Sexual Potency:

Enhanced sexual wellness is one of the most well-studied and well-known benefit of Tongkat Ali as it improves sexual health and libido. Research suggests that Tongkat Ali increases the male hormone testosterone in men. This effect results in improved sexual desire, performance, virility, and fertility. This supplementation significantly increases the muscle strength in men who engages in regular strength training.

  1. Boosted Athletic Proficiency:

Tongkat Ali has also been investigated and studied for its benefits in physical performance. One such recent study suggests that TA helps in increasing muscle strength, stamina, and endurance that helps men with their athletic performance. Another research was conducted in trained cyclists that concluded in proficient performance in cycling on Tongkat Ali supplementation.

  1. Relaxation and Mood Upliftment:

Tongkat Ali possess adaptogenic properties that makes it useful for relieving stress and anxiety. Adaptogenic properties mean that it helps the body adapt to stress and promote mental well-being. Preliminary studies have shown promising results regarding Tongkat Ali’s potential to reduce stress levels. More research is required in this area to introduce and categorize this supplement into treatment plans of people with increased stress levels.

  1. Anti-cancer Properties:

Ongoing research on Tongkat Ali suggests that it may have anti-cancer properties. Experiments conducted on animal models have shown that extracts from Tongkat Ali inhibit the growth of cancer cells and induce cell death in cancerous tissues. The mention of this health benefit does not advise the use of Tongkat Ali for any cancer patient since this benefit is yet to study with many hopes. These experiments and research are ongoing that must be carried on till the promising conclusion in treating cancer patients.

  1. Enhanced Immunity:

Some advocates of Tongkat Ali claim that it strengthens the immune system and provide protection against recurrent minor infections. With its immunomodulatory properties, Tongkat Ali is gaining popularity in the immune system department as well. The resistance measure against bacterial infections is crippling as antibiotic resistance is on the rise. In such situations, any natural supplement that offers the slightest hope of immunomodulatory effects must be well-studied and incorporated into the diet.

Regular use and patience are essential when using Tongkat Ali supplementation since individual response varies.

What are the side effects of Tongkat Ali Supplements?

Tongkat Ali is generally safe when used in moderate doses. Like any other supplement, its use or misuse is associated with side effects that are enlisted below.

  1. Sleeplessness:

The stimulatory effects of Tongkat Ali on the central nervous system often result in restlessness and sleeplessness in its users. Long term use of large dosage Tongkat Ali has resulted in insomnia and difficulty sleeping. It is therefore recommended to consume it only during the daytime when one’s not intending to sleep any time soon.

  1. Aggression:

Some level of aggression always saves us from disrespect. However, increased irritability and aggression over little things often lead to strained relationships. One side effect of Tongkat Ali supplementation is increased aggression particularly in its consumers with prior anger issues or mood swings. This effect is due to its contribution in increasing testosterone levels in the body. Welzo recommends immediate discontinuation of Tongkat Ali supplementation and consult a healthcare professional if an individual complaint of sudden changes in the mood or behaviour.

  1. Problems with Digestion:

Symptoms of mild gastrointestinal discomfort such as nausea, bloating and diarrhoea are experienced in some user of TA. These symptoms subside as the body adjusts to the supplement over time. However, persistence or worsening of these symptoms must not be tolerated and the intake must be stopped immediately. Oral intake of any supplement that cause persistent diarrhoea or bloating is a total waste since both the gastrointestinal health and finances are compromised when a tiny bit of the supplement is trying to absorb itself.

  1. Hormonal Imbalance:

Tongkat Ali supplementation helps with increasing the male hormone testosterone in the body. However, excessive intake of the supplement leads to hormonal imbalance and suppression of the intrinsic testosterone release. Hormonal imbalance due to Tongkat Ali manifests itself in the form of acne, hair loss and changes in libido. It is crucial to use Tongkat Ali supplements regularly and follow the recommended dosage to avoid hormonal disruptions.

  1. Interaction with other Medications:

Tongkat Ali interacts with medications used to treat hormonal disorders or psychiatric conditions. It is important to consult with the healthcare expert before incorporating Tongkat Ali supplements into routine alongside prescription medications for mood disorders or other health conditions.

Unusual symptoms and side effects must be reported to the prescriber of supplementation to avoid risks of adverse health outcomes.

Dosage Recommendations:

The appropriate dosage of Tongkat Ali supplements vary based on age, weight, and its health needs. It is important to follow the instructions given on the product label and consult healthcare professional prior to its use.

Typical dosages for Tongkat Ali extract range from 200 mg to 600 mg per day. These supplements are taken in divided doses such as the recommended dose is divided by 2 or 3 and then only one part is taken during morning, evening or at night. These supplements are hormonal medications and thus recommended to start with lower doses and gradually increase the dosage as per need of the body. Careful titration is essential to assess tolerance to the medication and minimise the risk of side effects.

Tongkat Ali is extracted from its tree that is native to countries in the Southeast Asia such as Malaysia and Indonesia. The local people in these countries often consume the whole extract or part of the plant that often leads to health problems. It is crucial to consume such natural supplements only in the form of medications in a tight packing and not as a raw material from its tree.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Tongkat Ali supplements safe for women to take?

Yes, Tongkat Ali supplements are safe for women to take in moderate doses. However, due to their potential effects on hormone levels, women must use it with caution and that too upon consultation from a healthcare professional. Careful monitoring must be carried out to look for any adverse reactions due to the supplements and discontinue its use if any issue arises. In any case of supplementations, safety is always a priority.


How long does it take to see results from Tongkat Ali supplementation?

The duration for seeing results from Tongkat Ali supplementation varies from an individual to another based on factors such as the consistency in dosage and quality of the supplement, individual metabolism, and the overall health. Some individuals experience improvements in energy, libido, and athletic performance within a few days while others require longer for similar effects.


Are there any age restrictions for using Tongkat Ali supplements?

No, there are no known age restrictions for using Tongkat Ali supplements. Individuals under 18 years of age and older adults are recommended to use caution such as consulting with a healthcare expert before starting supplementation. Individual factors such as health status, medical history and potential interactions with medications are essential to consider before supplementation. Proper guidance is crucial for vulnerable populations such as pregnant females or those with preexisting medical conditions including heart disease or hormonal disorders.

Bottom Line:

Tongkat Ali is a recently found supplement that has gained popularity in various studies and research over the previous decade. It offers potential health benefits such as improved sexual performance, enhanced athletic prowess, mood elevation and immunomodulatory effects. While research on Tongkat Ali is ongoing, some studies have hinted that promising results are to be expected from Tongkat Ali for its role in treating cancer patients. Misuse or overuse of Tongkat Ali supplements result in adverse health outcomes such as increased aggression, insomnia, and hormonal imbalance. Welzo recommends consultation with a healthcare professional before incorporating the supplement into routine to ensure safety and wellness.

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