10 Different Types of Magnesium Supplements and whats the best?

Magnesium is an abundant nutrient that has multiple health benefit

Magnesium, an essential mineral renowned for its significant role in preserving comprehensive human health, is drawing increased focus due to a growing body of research underscoring its diverse advantages.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant cation in the body after calcium, potassium, and sodium. Specialists characterize magnesium as a vital nutrient integral for more than 300 biochemical transactions in human anatomy. Its far-reaching influence spans nerve conduction processes, muscular contraction events, and regulation aspects related to blood pressure levels until matters entailing protein creation alongside DNA synthesis procedures.

Renowned Biomedical Science expert with PhD credentials Dr Rhonda Patrick explains: "An insufficient intake of magnesium runs the risk of affecting energy generation functions coupled with protein development (synthesis), gene sustenance encompassing structures like DNA and RNA and performance-linked nervous system activities."

National Institutes of Health (NIH) stipulates males falling under the age bracket spanning between nineteen-thirty require approximately 310mg, whereas the corresponding female category demands around 400 milligrams subject to daily consumption needs while posturing past thirty years lead both genders needing increased intake; females necessitating roughly 320 milligrams taking into account men countering similar circumstances likely requiring close approximate 420 mg respective daily dosages.

The significance of this vital nutrient shouldn't go unnoticed. Recent statistics paint a concerning picture regarding magnesium deficiency worldwide—more than half the adult population does not meet their daily recommended allowance.

Many are unaware of rich dietary sources that include diverse foods such as almonds, spinach or other leafy greens alongside legumes like chickpeas—each packed full of considerable amounts of magnesium.

Magnesium Oxide

Familiar among magnesium supplements is Magnesium oxide, boasting approximately 60% of magnesium by its weight. Yet despite this concentration, it exhibits a relatively low bioavailability, which suggests its less efficient absorption into the bloodstream upon consumption.

Despite this limitation, Magnesium Oxide serves several essential roles in maintaining overall health. It contributes significantly as an antacid relieving indigestion and heartburn symptoms and acts as a laxative under specific circumstances, assisting with constipation relief.

Although certain types of hard water have fair amounts of naturally occurring MgO contributing to daily intake requirements, dietary sources are somewhat limited, necessitating supplementation for optimal wellness maintenance.


Available magnesium oxide supplements include Buffered Magnesium Oxide, which is £26.95 for 180 mg, 250 capsules and Magnesium Oxide (£17.64 for 500mg 100 Caps), ensuring reliable supplements geared towards supporting healthier lifestyles.

Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate emerges from the union of magnesium carbonate and citric acid, thus creating a highly bioavailable form of this key mineral supplement. Its rapid assimilation into the human body makes it an excellent nutrient fortification selection.

Notably recognized for enhancing digestive health, Magnesium citrate is a mild laxative that promotes regularity in bowel movements while alleviating constipation. Additionally, budding research points towards its role in fostering cardiac wellness by inducing relaxation within blood vessels.

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach lead the pack among food sources abundant with magnesium, followed closely by whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Moreover, tofu and fruits like bananas and avocados are on the rich list. Yet often, dietary inputs alone might not suffice due to distinctive personal situations or inherent biological variances, wherein supplementation offers readily available alternatives, each bearing unique benefits accordingly.

Widely accessible options include supplements such as: 'Nature's Blend' Magnesium Citrate providing 180 soft gels costing £26.65; Magnesium Citrate- New Beginnings retailing 90 capsules at £19.37 aside from 'Solgar's variant Magnesium Citrate-Solgar  packaging 120 capsules tagged at an attractive price-point of just £17.38.

Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate encompasses a form of magnesium embraced for its bioavailability, bonded chemically with twin molecules attributable to the amino acid known as glycine. The pairing yields superior absorption efficiency while being mild on the stomach - an attribute that minimises digestive disturbances.

Scientific studies emphasize the potential advantages of Magnesium glycinate, particularly concerning neurological health facets like fostering mood balance and enhancing sleep quality parameters. Notwithstanding how foods such as beans, lentils or specific fish types richly offer this crucial nutrient, ensuring regular intake emerges as challenging for some individuals, thereby marking supplements as effective substitutes.

Among several market options includes Magnesium Glycinate - Metabolic Maintenance valued at £41.17 catering 180 capsules provision along Neuro Biologix's offering- Magnesium Glycinate Complex - Neuro Biologix worth £24.41 dispensing 100 capsules likewise Solaray's "350mg Magnesium Glycinate 350mg 120 Veggie Caps" priced at £26.84, all culminating alongside Kirkman's Magnesium Glycinate Buffered Chelate retailing under tagline '180 Caps' costing approximately £26.01.

Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium chloride, a prevalent magnesium supplement, contains one magnesium ion bound to two chloride ions. Notable for its high bioavailability and efficiency in absorption, Magnesium chloride contributes significantly to numerous biological processes, such as nerve transmission and muscle contraction.

Magnesium chloride's efficient kidney function dependency and absorbability minimises any laxative side effects linked with supplementation intake. Henceforth, it improves overall well-being substantially when coupled with nutrient-rich food consumption.

Nutritional sources rich in this element include seaweed and mineral spring waters like those found at Dead Sea healing springs. For ease of ingesting sufficient quantities, though, brands have formulated various supplements, including Magnesium Chloride Liquid, sold for £30.95, that cater perfectly to diverse consumer needs.

Magnesium Sulfate

Magnesium sulfate, commonly known as Epsom salt, is a chemical compound of magnesium, sulfur and oxygen. It's notably recognised for its broad application in medicine due to its remarkable attributes for improving health.

Dr Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., author of "The Magnesium Miracle," elaborates: "Magnesium sulfate plays an integral role by providing a highly soluble form of both Magnesium and Sulphur—two vital nutrients often deficient in diets and crucial contributors towards overall wellness."

Some salient features of this type include:

  • Absorbs through the skin easily when dissolved in bath water- making it popular among muscle recovery regimens.
  • Holds considerable regulation potential concerning inflammation cascades while promoting effective detoxification pathways.
  • Often prescribed during pregnancy-related complications due to the ability to reduce seizure severity associated with eclampsia or pre-eclampsia, respectively.

Magnesium Threonate

Magnesium threonate, alternatively known as L-threonate, represents a distinct variant of magnesium. Its pronounced proficiency in successfully traversing the blood-brain barrier sets it apart, thus enhancing cognitive operations such as preserving memory and bolstering learning capabilities.

Crucial for neurological health enhancement, Magnesium threonate improves cognition among ageing individuals or those with neurodegenerative conditions. It improves synaptic density, an essential factor determining critical aspects, including forming consolidation memories, thus enhancing overall mental agility.

Available magnesium supplements in the form of magnesium threonate include Magnesium L-Threonate—Dr Mercola and Magnesium L-Threonate—Life Extension, which are sold in 90 capsules for £47.03 and £39.51, respectively.

Magnesium Lactate

Magnesium lactate, characterized as the magnesium derivative of lactic acid, is acknowledged for its status as a nutritional supplement with superior bioavailability. Magnesium lactate seamlessly aids digestive processes while decreasing typical adverse reactions like diarrhoea frequently linked to other dietary supplements.

Numerous edibles abound in magnesium content - inclusive of green vegetables high on foliage quotient, legumes, varieties among nuts and seeds, plus products derived from dairy. Nevertheless, considering contemporary lifestyle exertions accompanied by shifts within dietary habits might necessitate additional supplementation requirements that transcend solely food-based intake mechanics. One available solution presents itself via Standard Process Magnesium Lactate, marketed at £33.99, featuring 90 capsules per package.

Magnesium Orotate

Magnesium orotate is a compound containing magnesium and orotic acid. Magnesium Orotate is known for its superior absorption rate, which ensures the mineral can effectively reach all body cells.

Magnesium Orotate provides energy at cellular levels, a much-desired advantage over other forms of supplemented magnesium, such as citrate or oxide. Regular intake maintains optimal balance and promotes improved stamina, cardiovascular health, and overall well-being.

Key highlights include:

  • High bioavailability, which ensures effective utilisation by the body's cells.
  • Enhanced energy production due to aiding ATP synthesis.
  • Support for cardiovascular health is influenced by consistent ingestion.

Magnesium Orotate: Priority One Vitamins is Priority One Vitamins' Magnesium Orotate supports energy production and muscle nerve conduction, thanks to its potent mix of minerals. Each bottle contains 100 capsules for convenient wellness support and is priced at £48.39 at Welzo.

Magnesium Taurate

Magnesium taurate, a combination of magnesium and the amino acid taurine, is essential in various physiological activities, like nerve impulse transmission. Its high bioavailability attributes allow it to become quickly active upon consumption.

Magnesium taurate is notable for cardiovascular health due to its potential to maintain balanced blood sugar levels. Magnesium taurate proves crucial in managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hence the escalating interest in supplementation.

BioCare offers Magnesium Taurate in a bottle of 60 capsules for £17.24, while Cardiovascular Research provides magnesium taurate with an increased count of 180 capsules for £41.94. GG Vitamins sells Magnesium Taurate (50mg) in a collection of 60 capsules costing £12.61. Magnesium Taurate Douglas Labs supplies it as a package containing 400mg per capsule over 120 tablets priced at £37.81, marketed under SOI. These supplements are available over-the-counter or online through various platforms such as Welzo.

Magnesium Malate

Magnesium Malate represents a critical fusion of magnesium and malic acid. This combination is lauded for its superior bioavailability coupled with effortless absorption within the body, thereby elevating it as a favored choice amidst health supplement options.

Primarily found in fruits like apples, malic acid paired with magnesium supports energy production within our cells' mitochondria. Experts such as Dr Carolyn Dean report improvements in focus and mental clarity when taking Magnesium Malate.

Key highlights underscore that individuals experiencing chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia might benefit from Magnesium Malate due to potential therapeutic properties linked to improved cellular energy generation.

There are several commercially available brands offering Magnesium Malate supplements. For instance, Magnesium Malate BioCare offers a bottle of 90 capsules for £16.30, while Magnesium Malate - Source Naturals provide a larger count of 200 capsules at £24.89. Kirkman Laboratories sells Magnesium Malate 160mg packed into 120 capsules costing £28.53, and Seeking health offers it as chewable tablets. Magnesium Malate Chewable (Active Magnesium)- you can get a pack that contains 100 chewable tablets labelled for £23.29.

What Is The Best Magnesium Type?

The optimal choice of magnesium type typically hinges on each individual's specific health requirements. However, Magnesium glycinate often stands out as a premier option owing to its superior bioavailability and easy-to-digest characteristics.

Magnesium Glycinate represents a chelated variant of magnesium, delivering elevated levels of absorption and bioavailability compared with other types. It is less likely to induce unwanted laxative side effects that are common in alternate forms.

It holds a particular advantage for those who have had bariatric surgery or suffer from conditions such as celiac disease or Crohn's disease that hamper nutrient absorption. Its inherent calming properties contribute towards anxiety reduction while promoting improved sleep quality - characteristics which recommend it among individuals struggling with insomnia.

However, given individuals' diverse physiological makeups, the most effective choice tends to differ person by person. Hence, before initiating supplementation regimes, consultation with healthcare professionals always proves beneficial.


Navigating the world of magnesium supplements appears complex, yet understanding key differences unlocks informed choices. Magnesium Malate and Glycinate present strong contenders with high absorption rates but varied benefits ranging from energy production to sleep enhancement, respectively. Ultimately, selecting an optimal form aligns closely with individual health needs and dietary preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which type of magnesium is best?

The best type of magnesium depends fundamentally on individual needs. However, Magnesium glycinate is often recommended due to its high absorption and gentle digestion.

What type of magnesium is best for muscles and nerves?

Magnesium citrate stands out as it aids nerve transmission and muscle relaxation for muscles and nerves.

What is the best all-round magnesium to take?

As an all-around choice, Magnesium glycinate offers the highest levels of absorption, ensuring overall well-being.

Which magnesium is best for the brain and energy?

Regarding brain health and energy production, Magnesium taurate or Threonate is known to support cognitive functions.

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